The following consular services are available for all the Myanmar citizens staying in Germany, Finland, Poland and Estonia:
- Renewal of Passport
- New Passport
- Loss/Damage of Passport
- Certificate of Identity (C of I)
- Information for Ex. Myanmar Citizens
- Airfare Deposit
- Income Tax
- Attestation
- Legalization
- Arrival Report to the Embassy
- There is no express service available
All applications should be sent to
Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Thielallee 19, 14195 Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany
Thielallee 19, 14195 Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany
Payment Method
- Passport fees may be made by Cash, Bank Cheque (Please make payable to Embassy of Myanmar) or pay in advance by Bank Transfer (to Myanmar Embassy Bank Account).
- No personal cheque or bank transfer to personal account will be accepted under any circumstances.
- All payments must be in Euro. Payment can be combined in one cheque if application is for more than one applicant.
- For return mailing, enclose a registered return envelope. (large enough to hold the passport for safe return)
- For international return mailing, enclose a postage fee of minimum 10 Euro in cash. (Cheque and bank transfer are not accepted. International coupons for postage fee are not accepted.)
Detailed Information of Bank Account
Deutsche Bank Ag
Unter den Linden 13-15, D – 10117 Berlin
Konto Nr. / Account No. 4350773. BLZ/bank code: 100 700 00
Swift Code: DEUTDEBBXXX, IBAN: DE 78100700000435077300
Requirements for Photographs
Recent original passport size colour biometric photos with white background. (Not more than 6 months old)
Position must be look directly to the camera (portrait style) showing both edges of the face clearly.